Sober Living
A safe, healthy, substance-free and structured living environment supporting individuals in recovery from addiction. Sober Living is centered on peer support and a connection to services that support long-term recovery.

Individualized Recovery Planning
There are many fine sober living residences and "halfway" houses offering safe housing and linkage to 12 Step Community Support. Journey to Sober Living also provides access to individualized recovery planning with a professional counselor utilizing Best Practice models of the industry.

Structured Living
Community members follow a strict daily schedule which includes job search/work, daily household duties, 12 Step Community participation, and peer-to-peer educational and process groups. Throughout the year, members participate in recreational activities and seasonal events.

Peer Support
Community members at Journey to Sober Living share the common experience of recovery from substance use disorders. "Constant thought of others" is essential to sober living and members learn to support each other by applying the principles of understanding, tolerance, patience, and love. Our structured environment helps members improve interpersonal skills.